The Center in the News . . .

Over the years there have been many exciting things that have happened at the Evangelistic Center Church. Some of these things even made it into magazines and newspapers. We have included a few below just to give you some history of your church and to show you just how Good Our God Is!


In the November 1996 issue of Charisma Magazine there was a article written by Melinda Fish, author of "The River Is Here" a book looking into the phenomenon of the "Toronto Blessing." The following is an excerpt from that article:

"Several hours later and more than an ocean away, a service begins at another church that my husband, Bill, and I know well: Evangelistic Center Church (ECC) in Kansas City, Missouri. The same blessing of the Holy Spirit that touched Martin Down in the English countryside also fell on pastor John Crane in the American Midwest. Traditional Pentecostal services at ECC haven't been the same since. Laughter often pervades the meetings, and many who receive prayer are overcome by the power of God-then get up healed of physical and emotional handicaps that have plagued them for years. Thought Martin Down and John Crane don't know each other, both experienced personal spiritual renewal the same way-through prayer ministry at the Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship, Formerly the Toronto Airport Vineyard. Then, after each pastor returned home and prayed for his flock, renewal exploded in their congregations."


On January 3rd, 1996 The Evangelistic Center Church started 40 Days of Renewal Meetings. Thousands of people from all walks of life were touched and changed by Gods Power! We give God all the glory and praise for this outpouring of His Spirit on our city. The Kansas City Star, the largest newspaper in K.C., got wind of the revival and showed up one night. Here's what they had to say:


At least 200 people came forward recently to receive prayers from 10 prayer teams at the Evangelistic Center Church, 1024 Truman Road. Being overcome by the Holy spirit (such as those on the floor here) is common. Prayer for healing is part of the 40 continuous days of renewal meetings, called "Times of Refreshing." Hundreds of people have been attending the nightly meetings, which began Jan. 3 and end Feb. 11. Left: Guest minister Mike Carmody of Fort Dodge, Iowa, prays for a woman. Earlier on a recent night he also preached to about 300 people at the service. JULIE JACOBSON/The Star


The Lord spoke to Senior Pastor, John Crane to pray for an end to the violence in Kansas City. With a weather forecast for snow over 150 congregation members came out. From noon till 3 PM they prayed for K.C. and shot arrows of deliverance for our city. Current reports say that violence in K.C. is down almost 30% - PRAISE GOD! P.S. The sun came out around noon . . . God is a mighty God! Here's what was printed:


Parishioners of the Evangelistic Center Church at 1024 Truman Road prayed Saturday outside the building for an end to violence in Kansas City. Debra Wright (left) and Linda Walker were among the estimated 150 congregation members who participated in the session, which was held from noon to 3 p.m. Prayers addressed the city's murder rate, gang-related violence and drug problems. "This is an act of love and obedience to the word of God," said church member Linda Bonville. MARCIO JOSE SANCHED/The Star


God moves at times we don't expect! In the process of painting our building we made the paper with the heading "Church renewal." Now that's God's handiwork . . .

Church renewal

Painting contractor Tim Parks worked Thursday on windows at the Evangelistic Center Church at Truman Road and Troost Avenue. Parks, a member of the church, said the weather Thursday was excellent for painting. DAVID PULLIAM/The Star